text/x-generic header.php ( HTML document, ASCII text ) AIDS FUND PHILLY: Until Its

AIDS Fund presents “1981-Until It’s Over…”, a walk through timeline of the past 30 years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. With both a national and regional focus, the timeline serves as a reminder of the progress we’ve made since the start of the epidemic and emphasizes the continued need to fight the disease in our community. The timeline is available for your next health fair or community event. For more information or to schedule a timeline display, contact AIDS Fund.







For information on HIV testing sites and/or referrals to services for people living with HIV/AIDS, please call the AIDS Hotline at 215-985-AIDS(2437)


General Inquiries

AIDS Fund conducts a variety of programs throughout the year to increase public awareness about the impact of HIV on our communities. AIDS Fund's mission is to educate about, and increase public awareness of, HIV/AIDS and to provide emergency financial assistance to people living with HIV disease and organizations providing HIV services in our communities.

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The official registration and financial information of AIDS Fund may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.>