text/x-generic header.php ( HTML document, ASCII text ) AIDS FUND PHILLY: Service Organizations

Ending the AIDS epidemic requires the entire community working together.  The following organizations provide an array of prevention and care services in our communities.

For information on HIV/AIDS testing sites and/or referrals to services for people living with HIV/AIDS, please call the AIDS Hotline at 215.985.AIDS (2437).

  Access Matters
(215) 981-0088
AccessMatters is the catalyst for providing sexual and reproductive health care for teens and adults in need. AccessMatters develops, implements, and evaluates innovative programs that make a sustained community impact: family planning, HIV and STD prevention and testing, breast and cervical cancer screening and prevention, teen pregnancy prevention, and condom distribution are just a few of the important programs we support.
  Action Wellness
(215) 981-0088
Action Wellness provides a range of services for people living with HIV/AIDS including: information and referrals; case management; housing counseling; mental health services; and support groups.
AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania
(215) 587-9377
Provides free legal services, advocacy and education to people with HIV/AIDS and those affected by the epidemic - fighting discrimination and stigma, and defending the rights of people with HIV/AIDS to public benefits, quality healthcare and affordable housing.
The Attic Youth Center
(215) 545-4331
The Attic offers a continuum of HIV prevention services to LGBTQ youth. Services include: peer based presentations aimed at changing knowledge and attitudes around HIV?AIDS; behavioral support groups, social activities, and discussion groups aimed at developing self awareness of risk; and HIV testing and prevention case management which provides intensive one on one interaction to support sustained behavior change.
(215) 769-3561
a non-profit organization founded in 1985 that has become the largest AIDS Service agency providing a continuum of HIV services to the urban community in Pennsylvania.
Calcutta House
(215) 684-0480
Provides housing, direct care, supportive and rehabilitative services to homeless adults with AIDS who are without adequate resources to care for themselves.
Camp Dreamcatcher, Inc.
(610) 925-2998
One-week therapeutic camp for 140 kids that provides caregiver retreats, teen retreats, reunion parties, HIV/AIDS outreach, training & education, therapeutic and educational groups.
CATA - Farmworker Support Committee
(856) 881-2507
CATA's HIV Prevention Program provides farmworkers and their families the opportunity to educate themselves on HIV prevention while building skills to reduce their risk of infection. Farmworkers also have the opportunity to know their HIV status through HIV counseling and testing.
The COLOURS Organization was established in 1991 to respond to the lack of positive and progressive educational advocacy and support mechanisms for LGBT people of color in the Greater Philadelphia area. COLOURS seeks to accomplish this through a variety of activities aimed at attacking the underpinnings of disempowerment and despair in our community, activities which improve information sharing, enhance self-esteem, and support and develop the talent, beauty, strength and courage of LGBT people of color.
Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Inc.
(215) 763-8870
Congreso's HIV/AIDS services provide a culturally and linguistically appropriate continuum of care. An array of services are provided in an integrated manner to assure quality services at all times.
Family Services of Chester County
A nonprofit counseling and human service agency. Family Services of Delaware Countyhelps people to overcome personal challenges and live healthier, happier lives.
  Family Services of Delaware County
The Mission of Family and Community Service is to preserve and strengthen family life in all its forms, and to promote the enhanced functioning of individuals, families and communities.
Family Services of Montgomery County
(610) 272-1520
Case management links consumers to medical, mental health, housing, food/nutrition, and transportation services. Prevention education offers HIV counseling, testing and education for high risk individuals.
(215) 985-3382
GALAEI is a non-profit health and HIV/AIDS prevention and care organization serving Latinos, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and people at-risk for HIV infection in the Philadelphia area.
Haven Youth Center
(215) 496-2662

MANNA prepares and delivers delicious, nourishing meals, along with counsel and hope, to people at acute nutritional risk from life-threatening illnesses, helping them improve their health and quality of life. MANNA’s small professional staff and 1,000 dedicated volunteers deliver 100% complete nutrition to our clients - 3 meals a day, 7 days a week - at no charge. MANNA dietitians promote wellness through nutrition education and counseling.

The Mazzoni Center
(215) 563-0652
A continuum of services, from prevention information/education to HIV counseling and testing, STD and GYN services to care services such as advocacy, food, case management, and home care.
Philadelphia FIGHT
(215) 985-4448
Comprehensive prevention, education, research, and treatment programs including Philadelphia FIGHT, the Jonathan Lax Treatment Center, Care Outreach, AIDS Library, Y-HEP, Project TEACH, and Critical Path.
Prevention Point Philadelphia
(215) 787-0118
PPP is a multi-service harm reduction organization providing HIV prevention and care services for durg users and sex workers, including a syringe exchange program, medical care and social services.
St. Luke's Hospitality Center
(215) 732-9346
St. Luke's Hospitality Center is a safe place for persons whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS to receive spiritual and social support services (individually or in a group setting).
(215) 765-6633
Siloam enriches the well-being of people impacted by HIV/AIDS by providing a broad range of integrative mind body and spirit services that empowers them to develop skills and personal strengths to lead more meaningful lives.
YMCA Camp Ockanickon HIV Specialty Camp
(215) 476-9640
A joint project of the YMCA and associated AIDS agencies in the greater Philadelphia/Camden area, will use this grant for general operations of a week long specialty camp for children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.



For information on HIV testing sites and/or referrals to services for people living with HIV/AIDS, please call the AIDS Hotline at 215-985-AIDS(2437)


General Inquiries

AIDS Fund conducts a variety of programs throughout the year to increase public awareness about the impact of HIV on our communities. AIDS Fund's mission is to educate about, and increase public awareness of, HIV/AIDS and to provide emergency financial assistance to people living with HIV disease and organizations providing HIV services in our communities.

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