text/x-generic header.php ( HTML document, ASCII text ) AIDS FUND PHILLY: Workplace Giving

While thousands of people support AIDS Fund through AIDS Walk Philly and GayBINGO, many people make their donations to AIDS Fund through regular payroll deductions by their employer.  By making a small commitment from each paycheck, people find it is easy and they are able to contribute more over the course of a year than they would if they just made a one-time contribution.

Currently, AIDS Fund participates in a wide variety of workplace campaigns in the Philadelphia area.  Some of the workplace campaigns AIDS Fund participates in are:

  • Bryn Mawr College
  • City of Philadelphia Employees Combined Campaign (code 24-0000)
  • Combined Federal Campaign (code 50723)
  • Drexel University’s Dragon Drive (code 11-0000)
  • PA State Employee Combined Appeal (code 5000-0019)
  • United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Donor Choice (code 2803)
  • University of Pennsylvania’s Penn’s Way Campaign (code C0100)

If your employer doesn’t have a workplace campaign, ask them to consider starting one.  Starting a workplace campaign is easy; it can enhance the employer’s image as a concerned corporate citizen; enrich the work environment through an increased sense of community; and improve employee morale.  If you or your employer would like more information about starting a workplace giving campaign, please contact AIDS Fund.




For information on HIV testing sites and/or referrals to services for people living with HIV/AIDS, please call the AIDS Hotline at 215-985-AIDS(2437)


General Inquiries

AIDS Fund conducts a variety of programs throughout the year to increase public awareness about the impact of HIV on our communities. AIDS Fund's mission is to educate about, and increase public awareness of, HIV/AIDS and to provide emergency financial assistance to people living with HIV disease and organizations providing HIV services in our communities.

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The official registration and financial information of AIDS Fund may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.>